Marching Forward…

Building Wealth!

“Enhancing the financial well-being of our members, by providing a wide range of Quality Services through a team of highly-trained and professional staff and volunteers.”

Products & Services


Enrol in a high-yield savings plan today; we offer short-term, long-term and even tax-free Savings at attractive interest rates.


Putting your money to work is one of the most effective ways to build your wealth. Find out from us how to get started!


We have Competitive Interest Rates, Low Requirements plus that sense of belonging you only get with FAMILY.


At the JDFCCU you are not just a member, you are a part of the family and a shareholder. Do you want to find out how?


Secure your future and protect your loved ones with an insurance plan from us. We have a plan to suit your needs.

Online Services

Online Banking works for you, Transfer Funds, Check Balances, Apply for Quick Cash Top-Ups and more!


Check out some of our most recent highlights from our latest events and activities, and witness firsthand how JDF Credit Union is not just a financial institution, but a thriving community that prioritizes your success and well-being!

Why Choose Us?

Our unwavering commitment to your financial success sets us apart, offering personalized solutions tailored to your unique needs. Join us today to experience exceptional service, competitive rates, and a community that prioritizes your prosperity.


Unlock your financial potential and seize incredible savings with JDF Credit Union’s exclusive promotions and unbeatable deals. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to enhance your financial journey and enjoy unparalleled benefits that will leave you feeling confident and secure in your financial decisions.


After being a member of the JDF Credit Union for over fifteen years I am pleased to see many transformations the organization has taken. In the past, all account-related matters required a member to attend in person to conduct a transaction. Today’s ease of access and interactive e-banking platforms create ease of doing business. From funds transfer, and account updates, to loan requests all from the comfort of your office or any remote location, allow quick turnaround time for any transaction. The instant messaging feedback on account activities is immeasurable and solidifies the feeling of comfort of saving with the Credit Union. Thank you JDF Credit Union for appealing to your members for so many years and providing this new feeling of comfort.
Alwyn Forbes
Contact US
(876) 926-8121-9 Ext: 2524-2526
Up Park Camp Kingston 5